Brainignition – (March)

This theme touched a very important aspect of development in children. Development of the brain and exercises related to it was the main aim of this theme. The exercises were divided into 4 categories. Each session dealt with the specific exercises related to those body parts. The sessions started with Omkar recitation.

7th March- Hand exercises

Children were taught exercises with fingers and palm and hands. A twist added to this was use of ghungroos while doing the exercises. The soft sound gave a sense of calmness and helped children to concentrate on the exercises they did.

14th March- Facial exercises

Using facial features a couple of exercises were taught to children during this session. The twist in this session was children got their faces painted. It was fun to do these exercises looking into the mirror with faces painted with their favorite animal character.

21st March- Hand and Leg exercises

This session focused on exercises to cross the midline. This is important in your body balance and concentration. Children had a lot of fun doing these exercises. The twist in this session was a dance with steps that involved midline crossing.

28th March- Full body exercises

These exercises helped children to coordinate whole body movements and strike a balance. The twist in this session was the scarf dance. Moving body with the rhythm, crossing the midline following the pace of the music. This also gave children a sense of calmness.