
Services / Offering kids activities in kothrud

Weekend children camp - Learn with fun

What it is ?​

Kids activities in kothrud Weekend activities are conducted for around 1.5-2 hours on every Sunday. Kids activities in kothrud are theme based and each theme runs for a month. These activities are fun, hands on learning experiences, which not only broaden the child’s knowledge field but also create interest and positive learning attitude in a stress free environment. This gives them opportunity of free expression, allows independent thinking and builds confidence. The exposure to a variety of aspects of study related to a particular learning topic is the unique outcome of this activity. Themes are based on children’s interests. Activities are built around the themes using STEAM. 

STEAM refers to S- Science, T- Technology, E- Engineering, A-Arts, M- Math.

There are takeaways and individual art projects, culinary exposure and mindful engagement. The takeaways are possessions of pride as they are either a handicraft or a culinary dish or a survey or a ‘homework’ taken home for reflecting on the learning or taking a concept forward to extend learning. Children are enthusiastic learners and their interest is captured, nurtured and facilitated during the activities. Special attention is given to the involvement of nature around. Nature walks, Field trips, nature talks and brain storming about current environmental issues are tactfully included in the activities. These not only engage students but also help them come closer to nature and thus relax and rejuvenate.

Why get your kids to Attend –

Keeping all the above in mind, these themes are designed in a way that will provide the necessary exposure to children and facilitate the varied interests children have. We need to carefully expose children to different topics. Make them aware of facts relevant to their ages, give them responsibilities to take decisions and execute them. Be the mentors and guide them in a positive way without becoming a formal teacher. The social awareness and practical approaches and applications have to be carefully imbibed into these activities. The impact is going to be visible when they go out in the society.
Eg- We often quote garbage pickers as kachara walas and our kids do the same. With the modern age we have to teach children dignity of labour. Making them aware that the job they do is very valuable. We cannot think of community without them.

These valuable moments are captured in the camera and sent to the parents. This helps initiate a dialogue with the children and help them to be expressive about their ideas and learning. Sharing their experiences with family and friends makes them happy, proud and confident of their learning.
Expert visits and Field trips engage and motivate children to active learning, diversify knowledge.
Children look forward to these Sundays as they get the necessary freedom as well as an opportunity to mingle with a set of peers from varied backgrounds.

Recreation Activities

Kids activities in kothrud are open to offers for conducting workshops at various locations. We cater to the clients requirement and create modules. We would like to be associated with multiple recreation clubs across Pune where we can conduct similar kids centric activities as Jumping Joyes is not a Physical Centre but a Virtual Center backed with talented teachers and coaches across all varied activities.

Parenting Activities

These include workshops, field trips, network building, social engagement, funfair, exhibitions, celebrations, competitions, brain storming sessions.

These activities are available at convenient locations for parents such as Housing Society Club Houses, Festival get-to-gethers, Pre-school PTA meetings, etc.

Topics that can address modern age parenting and hands on takeaways are the focus. Sessions are interactive so that they get the audience to shed their inhibitions and participate whole-heartedly.

Topics such as-

  • Attention span in Early Years.
  • Homework whose responsibility?
  • Building Independence in kids.
  • Gadgets Curse or Boon.
  • Conserving the Planet- The need of time.
This activity focuses on the physical development of children through guided physical activities focusing on core physical skills. This indirectly aids in children’s academic progress and a positive and healthy social engagement.
  • This includes workshops, social engagement, brainstorming sessions, family nights